Long Term SMART Targets


This is my Long term SMART targets. 

Update: July 2022

For my acting skills I set myself the task of improving facial expressions particularly in the Cell Block Tango number where acting is key due to the individual characters we are showing. Although I found this a challenge, combining the acting and dancing my most challenging piece was my solo performance of "The Winner Takes it all" as I wanted to focus on just the singing and acting to bring raw emotion out. I feel I achieved this target across both pieces as I received regular feedback from my peers through the course and I made sure I filmed all rehearsals to be able to self reflect on my progress. I found the technique of hot-seating helpful to identify how my character would feel/respond in a range of situations. 

For dance I set myself the target of focus and control as my teacher pointed out I have a bad habit of not finishing movements. I arranged many rehearsals outside of lesson time to make sure I fully extended all movements and I worked with peers to gain feedback and to check I was fully controlling all movement. Rehearsal is very important when dancing in unison as it enabled us all to work together to perfect and correct any movement. This did challenge me and by the end I was able to actually lead and run rehearsals for the group which others said they found supportive and my teacher commented on how my confidence had grown with improved focus and control of my movements. 

For singing this was my most challenging target as I wanted to work on my upper vocal range to hit higher notes. I initially struggled with this but my teacher pointed out I was not warming up my vocal chords properly and I was damaging my voice by just singing and belting out notes. I spent a lot of time going back to basics and working on warming (as can be seen in the vocal warmup videos). I also looked at more challenging songs that demonstrate a wide vocal ability and worked with my singing coach to reach the notes. I had to change my mindset to think down on the notes rather than feeling like I had to strain to reach them. I also did some vocal rest, steaming and looked at what I ate before singing. This target can be mainly seen in my solo performance but also in Hamiltonn and Seasons of Love.

The skills I have learnt throughout this unit have had a huge impact on my overall performance and will help me next year when auditioning for musical theatre courses at university. I have really enjoyed exploring a range of musicals and styles of dance, singing and acting and feel confident combining all three into my work. 
