Initial Solo Singing Rehearsal

To start off the rehearsal, the director set us off to choose a couple solos from a musical for us to choose and perform in the final show. I went through all my favourite musicals and chose two songs; On My Own from Les Misérables and The Winner Takes It All from Mamma Mia. I decided to go for On my own as I felt it was more of a challenge for me to learn. To start off I performed a warm up. I have a singing teacher so I performed warm ups that are specifically tailored to help my voice best warm up. One of the warm ups were singing Somewhere Over the Rainbow, while going up the scale. Another was singing the melody of the song I'm about to sing, but singing it with my lips together and pushing air through them. These warm ups, along with others, are very important to perform as  it ensures I don't damage my voice, along with allowing me to reach higher notes in songs. After the warm up I sung the solo with the lyrics in my hands and the original singer singing it in the background. I did this a couple times, and finished the rehearsal off with trying to sing it with no one else singing in the background. I filmed the last run through, so after the rehearsal I could look back on it and see what parts of the song I needed to work on. When looking back on it I realised that some of my timing was off and I struggled to hit some notes. My target for my next rehearsals are too work of the timing of the piece, but too also work my voice, to try reach the higher notes comfortably.   
