Second Write Up Solo Singing Rehearsal

I started off the singing rehearsal with warming up as usual. My average warm up normally lasts from 20 to about 30 minutes. I need to make sure I warm up properly before every time I sing, as if I don't there's a high chance I could damage or strain my voice. Warming up also allows me to reach higher notes then I normally can. This is something specifically important to me as I sometimes struggle to reach higher notes, as naturally I have a low voice. Once I had completed my warm up I moved onto singing On My Own. I decided during the rehearsal to change my solo to my second option, which is The Winner Takes It All. I decided to change song as there's one notes at the end of On My Own where my voice struggles to hit it, and you can hear it strain. I made the decision to swap my song, as my voice does not strain during any notes, and I feel it can easily hit the bigger, higher notes. During the rest of the rehearsal I just sung the song a couple times with the lyrics on a laptop. This was to ensure I was singing the correct melody of the song. My target for the next rehearsal is too fully learn the song, to sing it without the words and work on perfecting the more powerful notes. 
